The Certified SOLIDWORKS Sustainable Design Associate (CSDA) certification indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of demonstrating an understanding in the principles of environmental assessment and sustainable design. Passing this exam provides students the chance to prove their knowledge and expertise and to be part of a worldwide industry certification standard. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) certification indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of 3D CAD design and engineering practices and principles. The third and ultimate goal is to get you from where you are today to the point that you can confidently pass the CSWA, CSDA and the CSWSA-FEA exam. The second goal is to provide the most comprehensive coverage of CSWA, CSDA and CSWSA-FEA exam related topics available, without too much coverage of topics not on the exam. The primary goal is not only to help you pass the CSWA, CSDA and CSWSA-FEA exams, but also to ensure that you understand and comprehend the concepts and implementation details of the three certification processes. Information is provided to aid a person to pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA), Certified SOLIDWORKS Sustainable Design Associate (CSDA) and the Certified SOLIDWORKS Simulation Associate Finite Element Analysis (CSWSA FEA) exam. The Official Guide to Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Exams: CSWA, CSDA, CSWSA-FEA is written to assist the SOLIDWORKS user to pass the associate level exams. Now contains fifty percent more problems.Includes embedded training videos covering the basics of SOLIDWORKS.Intended for anyone with 6 - 9 months of SOLIDWORKS experience or an interest in sustainability.Provides the most focused and comprehensive coverage of the CSWA exam and related topics.Thoroughly prepares you for the CSWA, CSDA and CSWSA-FEA examinations.