The Legends of Elysium has five game modes. By using their cards, players can create their decks which consist of 24 cards in total. Players can acquire more cards by opening standard or premium card packs, completing missions, or playing in Adventure mode. Cards in the game have four different rarity levels common, rare, epic, and legendary. However, to use any card, players must meet the requirements such as mana cost or land type.

Spell cards can be used during the battle to harm the opponent, and heroes can equip item cards to increase their overall power and abilities. Players can deploy unit cards, and each deployed unit occupies a hex on the battle board. Cards are divided into three main types units, spells, and items. Heroes use cards to dominate the battle board in The Legends of Elysium, which are the game's essential elements.

These heroes will automatically become NFT assets when they reach level 2 and will be tradeable between players. Race members can be a warrior, a mage, or an archer, which defines their play style with their unique talents warrior heroes start the game with an additional 5000 HP, archer heroes place one bonus hex per turn, and mage heroes start the battle with one random spell card. Their hero can be an Orc, a Human, or a Dark Elf, and their chosen hero will have a passive skill according to their race. At the beginning of the game, players create a hero who will represent them throughout their journey.