It also seemed that I could not use the converted 26 key with the original 16 LOD key though fortunately even though I converted the 16 key through battlenet the 16 key would still work!! After so much searching I finally figured out how to make this work. UGH! Searched for a good hour one what I could do to make this work with the 16 digit keys. I went back to the page they sell their keys at and saw that I overlooked the part that said that I would not be able to convert these keys to 26 digit through battle net. I proceeded to contact customer support from the site I bought my key from and when they finally responded they said the key should be fine. However when I tried to register the LOD 16 key it told me that it had already been registered and I could not get a 26 key with it. I proceeded to register my keys and the classic registered no problem and I got my 26 digit key. What i suspect is commonly known is that you can register your 16 digit key with battlenet and they will give you a 26 digit one that will work with there downloadable version.

At the time I didn't realize that the battlenet downloadable version would only take the 26 digit cd key. I needed a 2nd Cd key so i bought one from a site for 5$ ( both Classic and LOD for $5 total).